
Restaurant Goldener Adler Stuttgart - Germany

I've heard some agencies saying: "Well, you take cool pictures of very nice places, but it's not that hard to make perfectly designed resorts or beautiful places look pretty. Can you also make ordinary things look good?"

- YOU are the judge to answer that! Can I?

Just 2 days ago, I was hired to shoot an entire for the website of a local restaurant, here in Stuttgart, Germany. The restaurant itself, is not designed in a fancy way. Nonetheless, they are known as one of the best restaurants in the city, due to its amazing food! They annually receive the Bib Gourmand. After many years, they wanted to create a new website. So they hired me as one of the many photographers and agencies they've interviewed. The goal was, to make it look nice, but not over-realistically fancy. Just high-quality casual in a tuned-down manner. For the first time, I also photographed food. I'm not a professional food photographer but for this purpose, I think I can be very happy about the overall results.
More on and


My model and I went for a casual photo walk and decided to visit the exhibition 'Vertigo' at the Stuttgart Art Museum. To respect the artists and visitors at the exhibition, we spent little time at each place and tried to interfere with the exhibition as little as possible. Hence, we only used available light. No flashes, no strobes, no video light. But more mood and story.

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Model: Valentina Knoll (Instagram: @vtna_)
Location: Stuttgart, Germany 


Photographing the Climbing Factory | Nürnberg | Germany

[EN] For the last week, I was hired by the Climbing Factory Nürnberg to create new images for their website revamp and their social media platforms. The first task sounded to be quite simple “Create a panoramic image that shows the entire wall”. But unfortunately, it was almost impossible due to the shared space with an adjacent fitness centre. Due to that, the 2 metres high walls separating the climbing hall and the fitness center, blocked the right part of the climbing hall. In the end, we decided to not overcomplicate things and create a single wide angle shot in landscape orientation. Once this task was completed, I created a lifestyle imagery series of two climbers hanging and climbing in the wall.

In order to do that, I first had to climb up myself a wall of the level 6+. Then one of the climbers climbed up with my camera gear. From there, I was hanging in the wall and shooting most of the images below. It was really an interesting and exciting experience, having this entirely new photographic perspective. Only in the beginning, I was a bit terrified, to drop my camera or the attached flash light. But those fears were completely unfounded. I really had a blast and look forward to my next extreme shooting situation!

Below are not all, but my favourite shots from this shoot.

➤➤➤Click on the photographs for full-size.

[DE] Im Laufe der letzten Woche wurde ich von der Climbing Factory Nürnberg engagiert, um neue Bilder für ihre Website und ihre Social-Media-Plattformen zu erstellen. Die erste Aufgabe klang zunächst relativ simpel: „Mache ein Panoramabild, das die gesamte Wand zeigt“. In Realität war das jedoch gar nicht so leicht, da der Raum gleichzeitig mit einem Fitnessstudio geteilt wird. Aus diesem Grund versperrten die 2 Meter hohen Wände, die die Kletterhalle und das Fitnesscenter voneinander trennten, den rechten Teil der Kletterhalle.

Am Ende haben wir beschlossen, die Dinge nicht künstlich komplizierter zu machen und stattdessen eine einzige Weitwinkelaufnahme im Querformat zu erstellen. Danach kam der spaßige und aufregende Teil: Eine Lifestyle-Bilderserie mit zwei Kletterern, die in der Wand hängen und klettern. Dazu musste ich zunächst selbst die Wand entlang einer 6+ Stufe erklimmen. Natürlich brauchte ich auch meine Kamera, die mir wenig sptäer von dem Kletterer nach oben gebracht wurde. Dort hing ich dann für einige Zeit gesichert in der Wand und fotografierte. Es war wirklich eine interessante und aufregende Erfahrung, eine völlig neue fotografische Perspektive aus der Höhe zu haben. Erst am Anfang hatte ich ein bisschen Angst, meine Kamera oder das angebrachte Blitzlicht fallen zu lassen. Aber diese Angst war völlig unbegründet. Ich hatte wirklich viel Spaß und freue mich auf mein nächstes extremes Shooting!

Unten sind bei weitem nicht alle, aber dafür meine Lieblingsbilder des Shoots.

➤➤➤Fotos anklicken für Vollansicht.
