Matthias Dengler
Linzer Str. 20
70469 Stuttgart | Germany
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UID-Nummer: DE323071307
Photographs of a custom built private home in Franken for WeberHaus. WeberHaus GmbH & Co. KG is a German home builder of off-site manufactured houses. The head office and one of two production halls is in Rheinau-Linx, Germany. The family-owned company produces prefabricated single and multi-family houses as well as wooden prefabricated commercial constructions.
Photographs of a custom built private home in Franken for WeberHaus. WeberHaus GmbH & Co. KG is a German home builder of off-site manufactured houses. The head office and one of two production halls is in Rheinau-Linx, Germany. The family-owned company produces prefabricated single and multi-family houses as well as wooden prefabricated commercial constructions.