Goetheanum | Dornach | Switzerland - Anthroposophic architecture [DE/EN]

[EN] An architectural photo series of the Goetheanum building in Dornach, Switzerland.

The Goetheanum is the world center for the anthroposophical movement. The building was designed by Rudolf Steiner and named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. It includes two performance halls with 1500 seats, a gallery and lecture spaces, a library, a bookstore, and administrative spaces for the Anthroposophical Society.

Both the present Goetheanum building and its precursor building are widely cited regarded as masterpieces of modern architecture. Steiner's architecture is characterized by a liberation from traditional architectural norms and constraints, especially through the avoidance of right-angles in his entire building scheme. The first Goetheanum, built of wood, was destroyed by arson during the night of January 1st, 1923; To avoid such events from happening again, he built the second Goetheanum entirely from concrete to achieve sculptural shapes on an architectural scale. The use of concrete to achieve organically expressive forms was an innovation for the times; in both buildings, Steiner’s intension was to create forms that were spiritually expressive.

[DE] Eine architekturfotografische Serie des Goetheanum Gebäudes in Dornach, Schweiz.

Das Goetheanum ist ein Gebäude in Dornach im Kanton Solothurn, rund zehn Kilometer südlich von Basel. Es dient als Sitz und Tagungsort der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft und der Freien Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft und auch als Festspielhaus und Theaterbau. Benannt ist es nach Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Nachdem in der Nacht zum 1. Januar 1923 das ebenfalls als Goetheanum bezeichnete Vorgängergebäude durch Brandstiftung zerstört worden war, entstand auf dem gleichen Bauplatz in den Jahren 1925 bis 1928 der heute bestehende Bau.

Beide Entwürfe stammen vom Esoteriker Rudolf Steiner, dem Begründer der Anthroposophie. An dem monumentalen Sichtbetonbau mit weit gespanntem Dach ist der weitgehende Verzicht auf rechte Winkel auffällig. Das stilistisch oft dem Expressionismus zugerechnete monolithisch-organische Bauwerk wirkt skulptural geformt und sollte nach Steiners Vorstellung „das Wesen organischen Gestaltens“ zum Ausdruck bringen. Zusammen mit anderen stilistisch ähnlichen Bauten in der näheren Umgebung bildet das seit 1993 unter Denkmalschutz stehende Goetheanum ein Ensemble, das zu den Kulturgütern von nationaler Bedeutung im Kanton Solothurn zählt. Als grundlegendes bauliches Vorbild hat das Goetheanum zudem Impulse für die gesamte anthroposophische Architektur gegeben, zu denen beispielsweise die Gebäude vieler Waldorfschulen zählen.


Photos by #matthiasdengler #snapshopped #architekturfotograf #basel #stuttgart #nürnberg #architecture

Herzogenaurach | Architecture series | Adidas & Puma headquarters

As I recently started exploring my surroundings by bike to get my head free and allow myself a break from all e-mail and agency marketing, as well as from educating myself on the business of photography, building a brand, taking and editing photos, I undertook a one-day excursion to Herzogenaurach, a city 25 km away from Nuremberg. It was my destination, since I’ve learned that two of the biggest sports brands’ headquarters are located there: Adidas and Puma. Obviously, the chances were high to find extraordinary architecture there.
During this public holiday, it was a peaceful and speedy ride through the hinterland of Nuremberg, through forest, fields and rivers. Arriving at my destination, I scouted everything: The adidas store, the headquarters, the parking lot, Puma’s store and headquarters. As it was for leisure purposes, I just took some casual pictures.

Of course, I could not leave it like that, so I had to come back and photograph it properly to add some of those pictures to my portfolio. At first, I purchased waterproof bike bags, to safely transport my gear. They came in very handy, as I encountered a strong rain shower on the way there. Luckily, the evening turned out as the forecast predicted: A mix of sun and clouds - perfect conditions for architectural pictures.

Adidas headquarters

Photographically, I started off with the main building of the Adidas headquarters, the most impressive architectural achievement of this district. I really loved how they recreated the entire area in the style of a sports stadium, including a tartan track with embedded footmarks of well-known sportsmen (e.g. Thomas Müller - football player), inspired by the Broadway’s Walk of Fame. The strong colour contrasts between the tartan track, grey streets, green grass and the blue sky was just amazing! Even their parking garage (picture 2) looks like a football stadium - at least to me - as it reminded of Munich’s Olympic Stadium. All buildings were connected to each other following the tartan tracks, creating very strong compositional leading lines for photography. They posed one challenge though: Almost all lines were adjacent to each other, making it very difficult to settle on my typical one-point composition, in which all lines converge into the center of the frame. After a while of scouting, I finally found the one-point perspective created by a wall, a bench and the shadows they casted on the ground, opening the frame and leading your eye all the way from the front to the back of the image, while other lines intersect each other. That’s why I really loved this shot! Clean leading lines and precision are important key elements for compelling architectural photography. In the end of the day, I captured a clean reflection of the building in its surrounding artificial pond.

Puma headquarters

Having finished my job at Adidas, I headed over to the next building, 2 km away: The Puma headquarters. Main features there were clean cubistic elements in different tones in the palette of white over grey to black, in contrast to shiny windows reflecting the blue sky. Obvious to the eye was the red branding, e.g. red lanterns, red flags; those red colours accents which we already saw at Adidas that interestingly connects both subdivisions of one company. Really smart! This corporate design of red can be found on their shoeboxes and almost all labels. That is successful and very well-thought-through corporate branding and design.

Other architectural features are the sports facilities in front of the building, such as a football, beach volleyball and basketball court, which can only be used by adidas staff. If I’d have to spend my day at an office, I’d love to use them and have a workout with my co-workers. A fantastic idea again!

The most appealing to me as an architectural photographer was it though, that the Puma headquarters strech from one side to the other side of a highway, being connected by a hanging vitreous suspension bridge across the highway. I just had to wait, using the app Photo Pills, until the sun was shining through the glass of the bridge, while a car passed by creating dynamic car trails. it was all captured handheld in one shot; no compositing in Photoshop! Hence, you can easily imagine, which is my favourite picture of this series.

On my way home to Nürnberg, I captured some casual bonus shots of the Adidas outlet store, which really looks like a sports stadium. The golden sunlight gave the rather grey concrete a beautiful and magically glowing light.

Photos by #matthiasdengler #matthias #dengler #snapshopped #fotograf #nürnberg #architektur in '#herzogenaurach #adidas #puma #headquarters

Urban sports with Charlotte.

Recently, I work out quite a lot. But not in a gym or with stretching or weightlifting exercises. I basically try to do sports everyday as a mixture of biking, running, swimming, skating, badminton and tennis. Hence, it’s no surprise, I identify myself with sports quite much. And as it happens very often in the life of a photographer, your work gets influenced by your personal interests and changes along with them over time.

As a consequence, I’ve recently started to transition from portraiture into a more commercial / editorial direction as my personal projects (besides other architectural projects) to improve my photography and broaden my photographic range. So here, is my first "commercial" sports shooting with an athlete from Regensburg, Germany. She had no previous model experience. Still, she did not need much of my convincement to come all the way from Regensburg, a city 1,5 hours away from Nuremberg, to have this shoot with me. And I have to say, she exceeded my expectations by far!

Model: https://www.instagram.com/charlie.s.fitlife/
Photography: https://www.instagram.com/matthias.dengler
Retouching: https://www.instagram.com/matthias.dengler
Clothing: https://de.gymshark.com/

-Photos by Matthias Dengler #matthiasdengler #snapshopped #nürnberg #sports #editorial #commercial #gymshark

Find the whole series as well on Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/81901109/Urban-sports
